Name: Arion Description: A titan whose size seems to violate the known rules of physics and biology, Arion’s every step shakes the ground around him. His figure is humanoid, a toned, muscular male resembling a Hellenistic bronze statue of a god made flesh. The fur covering his body is a deep chocolate-brown, darkening to black on his muzzle, hands, ankles, and groin; while his skin, visible in places such as his nipples or lips, is solid black. He has ungilitigrade legs ending in powerful, ebony-black hooves, and fingers ending in thick, keratinous tips. He possesses a long, black mane on his head, neck, and upper back, the wild hair often falling in locks over his forehead; while his fetlocks sport long, black fur. His tail, leonine rather than equine, is long and slender, ending in a long tuft of black hair. At a glance, his head is that of a horse, especially his muzzle, but closer analysis shows visible differences; he’s far more expressive than a horse, and his vivid carmine red eyes are set too far forward on his face, like those of a predator. Behind his prehensile lips, his teeth are clearly different than what one would expect from an equine; though his rear teeth are the flat, pulverizing molars of a horse, his front teeth are more like those of an omnivore, and his canines are the elongated, sharp fangs of a carnivore. Arion goes nude, not a single scrap of clothing or jewelry adorning his body. Abilities: -Most visibly and dramatically, Arion can breathe fire. Like a dragon, he can unleash a torrent of flame from his jaws, charring or incinerating anything in its path. He can even control the intensity of this fire to a degree. When irritated, smoke sometimes curls from his nostrils. This fire does not originate from his stomach or lungs, but from an organ located just behind his upper sternum. It stores natural gas from the breakdown of his digested food, compressed through powerful muscular action, and is ignited by a chemical reaction when exhaled, allowing him to spout gouts of fire from his throat. -As his physique may suggest, Arion is a champion Olympian-caliber athlete. He can run at almost unbelievable speeds, especially for a creature of his size, and with impressive endurance. His jumping ability matches that of his running, and this goes without mentioning his appreciable upper-body strength. -Though lacking readily visible gills, Arion is amphibious, able to ‘breathe’ underwater as well as in the air. -Like any living animal, Arion needs to eat, drink, sleep, and breathe. However, if deprived of these, he can go into a hibernation state, much like a tardigrade, but to a whole different degree. He can remain in a sort of biological stasis for tens of thousands of years, at the very least, and when awoken, tends to be rather hungry… -Arion is extremely durable, to a seemingly unnatural degree. Nothing short of high-powered armor-piercing missiles is going to injure him, and he’s virtually fireproof. -Arion possesses a form of limited, subconscious telepathy. He cannot ‘read’ or transmit thoughts, this mild telepathic ability has more the effect of making him omnilingual, able to understand and communicate with any individual with a developed language…that is, when he even cares to pay attention to the ‘bugs’ at his hooves. -Arion's natural lifespan is unknown, but is clearly measured in the hundreds of thousands of years at the least. He may even be biologically immortal. Arion doesn't even know how old he is (or particularly care), having spent the majority of his life in hibernation and biological stasis; but physically and emotionally, he's about as developed as a human 18-20 year old. Personality and Behavior: Arion has the personality of a cocky, brash young male. He’s rude, uncouth, and arrogant. A showoff, proud of his power and physique, he rampages, performing feats of wanton, often theatrical, destruction, displaying his might in spectacular fashion. He delights in bullying humans; depending on his mood, he may just terrorize and harass them a bit, or he may gleefully squash them beneath his hooves or in his fist, incinerate them, eat them, destroy their buildings and vehicles, or do any number of other horrible things. He will often intimidate his victims into serving him (often eating them afterwards) or paying him tribute, and expects praise and admiration, or at least awe and fear. With other monsters, he’s not generally aggressive, but is competitive, liable to challenge them to contests of strength, agility, or destruction. He greatly enjoys showing off his prowess. Arion is primarily homosexual, much preferring fellow males; but somewhat flexible in that matter, willing to have occasional ‘interactions’ with females if they flatter him enough. He doesn’t tend to form any lasting emotional connections with anyone he has ‘relations’ with. Despite his self-assured persona, Arion is secretly somewhat insecure. He knows he’s not what would be considered a “god,” (in the ancient Greek sense), he’d 'just' be a demigod, but would never admit that. He feels inadequate in that way, and overcompensates with his destructive, bullying abuse of ‘mortals.’ Feeding: Arion is an omnivore, eating a mix of plant and animal material. He will devour anything from bushels of fruit and vegetables, bales of hay, and small trees (eating them much like oversized broccoli florets), to handfuls of fish, herds of livestock or wild game, and, of course, his favorite food of all: people. He usually eats his prey alive, either grinding them between his teeth or simply swallowing them whole depending on his mood. Sometimes, he’s in the mood for cooked meat, and will roast his prey with his breath before eating them. He enjoys alcoholic beverages, when he can find them in large enough quantities, that is. Arion’s digestive system is typical of what you’d expect for an omnivorous mammal, similar in many ways to that of a human; though it is robust enough to pass (though not digest) most indigestible objects and even withstand small arms fire. Possible Background Story and Setting: Roughly ten-thousand years ago, at least one gargantuan alien vessel, the size of an island, arrived on Earth, hovering above Mount Olympus in the area that is now Greece. Other such ships might have arrived in areas such as Egypt, but are currently outside the focus of this story. The inhabitants of this vessel were gargantuan, powerful beings resembling a variety of species, possessing almost supernatural abilities and technologies. They inspired legends among the early, proto-Greek peoples of the Mediterranean basin, and would eventually become known as the Gods and Titans of Olympus. Accompanying these beings were other creatures, massive beasts that could only be described as monsters. These ‘Gods’ could interbreed with pretty much anything, and produced additional ‘demigods’ during their time on Earth. Before they departed, they exiled many such monsters and demigods, imprisoning them deep underground, left in hibernation, buried and forgotten. Recently, however, tectonic activity has begun to unearth some of these prison tombs, awakening and freeing the hibernating titans within, and unleashing them on the unprepared world once more… Arion is one of these monstrous demigods, a grandson of the entity known as Poseidon. He’s a man-eating giant, much like the Cyclops Polyphemus, but takes on a more equine form, especially considering that his mother was one of the Mares of Diomedes. NSFW Details (Warning, Explicit): Arion is normally sheathed, his penis tucked-away internally. When it is visible, however, it is of greater-than-average size proportional for a human, but not as massive as might be expected for a horse (for instance, if he was sixty meters tall, it would be seven meters in length and a little under two and a half meters in width). The shaft is thick and cylindrical, equine in appearance, while the glans is a human-like dome. His penis is colored black, with a few pink spots on the shaft. Arion’s anus is between that of a human and a horse, though closer to the latter; the rounded, thick ring of muscle of an equine, but not as protruding or ‘puffy.’ Like the rest of Arion’s flesh, it is black in color.